
A brief summary of my museum and railroad affiliations.
From 1967 to present I have been a member of the Illinois
Railway Museum. Over the years I have been a conductor, motorman, helped with restoration and given tours. I also participated
in charter runs over several electric lines over the years.
During the 1970's and 80's I also belonged to the Central
Electric Railway Association or CERA. I always enjoyed going on various South Shore Line and CTA fantrips sponsored by this
In 1990 I moved to Wisconsin and eventually joined the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay. I became an active
volunteer working the different fairs and shows held on the grounds, was both a conductor and engineer on the train ride and
a tour guide or Docent for tour groups. I learned how to operate a Fairbanks Morse diesel, Alco diesel and the hybrid steam
engine. I also was a conductor on the 16 car steam excursion train with Milwaukee Road #261 during the July 4th celebration
in Green Bay a few years ago.
In 1998 I became active with Trolleycar '86 and was the safety trainer and motorman
trainer. I wrote the rulebook for the organization and taught the classes. Eventually I was elected president and expanded
my duties to the overall supervision of the trolley museum operations. I developed the current Appleton Trolley Museum website,
recruited new members, participated in city planning committees where it involved the trolley museum, acquired some grant
money for the organization and made some new acquisitions for the museum. I organized the successful bid and transport of
car 28 from the CTA, rescued a flatcar from destruction at the National Railroad Museum and later traded it to Illinois Railroad
Museum for much needed trolley parts. Over the 1999 winter I was able to produce the first 75 minute long video telling the
story of Trolleycar '86. I also supervised the addition of Birney 12 and followed its loading and transport through
to safe storage in Green Bay by negotiating with the Mayor of Green Bay. This year I oversaw the addition of more trackwork
and the installation of our new loading platforms. Over the winter I plan to continue work on car 28 and get sheet metal on
Birney 12.
In 1999 I joined the East Troy Electric Railroad and was able to volunteer my time as a conductor on their
two car L train.
In the Summer of 2004, I was motorman on several cars
at the East Troy Railroad including the 2 car 4000 series train, 5-50 car 45 and the Open Trolley.
I am also
a member of the Shoreline Historical Society which concentrates on the operations of midwest electric railroading past and
present. The past railroads include the North Shore Line and the Chicago Aurora and Elgin. The present railroads include the
CTA and the South Shore Line. Also included are the many streetcar lines of the CSL, Chicago West Town and Gary Railways.
I have contributed news articles to their quarterly magazine "First and Fastest" which has many photos and interesting
facts about these great electric railways.
In 2001 I have become a member of the Electric City Trolley Museum in Scranton
PA. They are rebuilding a portion of the Laurel Line interurban system to operate their trolleys, and are a new part of Steamtown
USA attractions. They have acquired quite a large collection of equipment, have put track through a 4000 foot tunnel, built
interactive displays in their museum building and continue to restore more trolleys to operate over their line.
feel that belonging to these museums has broadened my knowlege and appreciation for the past achievements of electric railroading
and helped me look to the future as more cities and regions rediscover what was lost and start to rebuild their transportation
networks. The proof of the success of these new trolley systems is in the ridership and increased business for revitalized
downtown areas. Property values continue to rise as a higher rate once the systems come on line. I look forward to seeing
success in Minneapolis with their new system under construction since 2001. It will link their airport with the downtown and
Amtrak station serving all suburbs in between.

